Conference News

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What makes a good regulator and complaints system? Disability advocates, Tanya Harding – RIAC and Dan Stubbs – Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner, talk about what makes a good regulator and…

Christina Ryan, in her keynote speech at #SDAC24, talks about how the disability rights movement is at a cross roads. Many big processes or reforms have concluded and have left…

On Thursday 19th September, DARU hosted the Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference 2024, and it was a roaring success! View a selection of photos from the Conference below.

Morning session – 9.30am – 11am Conference Opening – 0.10 secs – 7 min 42 secs Welcome from VCOSS and Minister’s Speech – 7 min 42 –  13 min 24…

On Thursday 19th September, DARU hosted the Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference 2024, and it was a roaring success! A lot happening in the disability sector, with discussions about Disabiltiy Royal…

The recent passing of the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No.1) Bill 2024 has huge implications for people with disability. What are the key changes to the…

The disability community is on the cusp of huge systemic change and needs to band together to respond in the most cohesive and respectful way possible. However who are our…

The 2024 Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference tickets are on sale now!  Planning is still underway, but we are pleased to announce Christina Ryan, Disability Leadership Institute, Dan Stubbs,  Victorian Disability…