Protecting the rights of tenants in disability accommodation settings

In this Advance Your Advocacy Practice panel session representatives from Victoria Legal Aid and Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service will provide information about protecting the rights of tenants in disability accommodation settings.

Since the separation of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Supported Independent Living (SIL), there have been a range of changes in the disability accommodation arena, including the law, the available options, complaints mechanisms and more!

Come along to this Advance Your Advocacy Practice session to learn more about:
• How to identify what type of accommodation your client’s home is
• The different rights and regulations for SDA, Supported Residential Services (SRS) and “SIL houses”
• The obligations on providers and mechanisms for escalating issues
• What steps must be taken if they are threatening eviction
• How you can assist your client to assert their rights in relation to where they live

Auslan interpreters and captioning service is available at this event.

Tuesday 12th December, 2023, 10:30 - 11:30am
ASC forum

Event Time Table

Tuesday 12th December, 2023
10:30 - 11:30am
Online Zoom