Past Conferences

Other lifeboats in the ocean

The 2023 Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference looks at what lifeboats are afloat for Victorians with disability and showcase what’s going on at the grassroots to make inclusion real.

advocacy under pressure

Advocacy issues are increasingly related to national systems such as the NDIS. This conference shares ideas for working smarter, giving organisations the tips and tools they need to short circuit the bureaucracy.

DOING disability differently

This conference let our politicians know about what needs to change for people with disability. It celebrated diversity and showcased a range of perspectives while keeping a focus on what needed to change.

Getting into gear for the NDIS journey

It’s all over for another year and it’s fair to say that we let the clutch out on the NDIS. We heard from a dynamic range of speakers, welcomed a few last minute replacements and shared many experiences and ideas.

Putting rights centre stage

As expected, disability advocates were interested in hearing from a range of perspectives and were not backwards in confronting the issues that bring to light the glaring inequality that people with disability face on a daily basis.

champions of change

This conference bought together champions of change from across Australia, representing many sectors and issues including the NDIS, Victorian State disability plan and much more.

Disability advocacy and the legal system: You be the judge!

This conference aimed to make sure the disability advocacy sector understands and is well equipped to use the legal system in their work.