Advocating in Victoria’s child protection system

About this session

Respect for home and family is recognised as a right for people with disability under the United Nations Convention on the rights of Persons with Disability where state responsibilities are clearly articulated. Yet all too often, we see discrimination within our child protection system that separates rather than supports families where one or more parent has an intellectual disability.

Denise Boyd is the Executive Officer of Star Victoria and works closely with parents with intellectual disability and their families, and will share real life examples of how these barriers impact the lives of people with intellectual disability.

She will be joined by Robyn Buchanan,the Senior Advocate at Independent Family Advocacy & Support (IFAS, who will provide some useful advice for parents and advocates who find themselves involved with child protection, and Elicia Savvas, who manages the Child Protection Program at Legal Aid, will unravel the mysteries of the Children’s Court.

This webinar is part of the Advocacy Sector Conversations forum series which provides in depth expert knowledge on topical issues which directly impact on the practice of disability advocacy.

Tuesday 26th October, 2021, 11am - 12pm
Natasha Brake
03 9639 5807
ASC forum

Event Time Table

Tuesday 26th October, 2021
11am - 12pm