Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: A Guide for Action

Women with disabilities experience high rates of gender and disability-based violence.  This free webinar, part of the 2021 International Women’s Day Celebrations, launches ‘Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: A Guide’ for Action. It highlights the specific drivers of violence against women with disabilities and the specific actions that we can take as a society to prevent this targeted violence.

The guide reinforces and expands upon the ‘Change the Story’ national framework developed by Our Watch by placing a disability lens over the evidence of what works to prevent violence.

This important event is open to those who work in Women’s Health, Disability and the Prevention of Violence Against Women sector.

Wednesday 10th February, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm
Women with Disabilities Victoria

Event Time Table

Wednesday 10th February, 2021
11:00am - 12:30pm