Formerly the Taxi Services Commission, this is the new regulator of the commercial passenger vehicle industry. This industry includes unbooked services (taxi rank and hail) and booked services (taxis, hire cars and rideshare vehicles) and also issue driving instructor authorities.
Aim: To work in partnership with the commercial passenger vehicle industry to ensure services for customers are safe and more accessible.
We regulate in line with the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Act 2017, the Road Safety Act (1986) and the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Regulations 2018.
Key functions include:
- accrediting all commercial passenger vehicles
- issuing driving instructor authorities
- administering the Multi Purpose Taxi Program and country Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Subsidy Scheme
- developing policy and reviewing regulations
- working with the industry to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations
- liaising and consulting with industry and consumers
- providing business and information technology support to industry.