The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service is a free service for people with disability who are users of Australian Government funded: Disability Employment Services (DES); Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE); and/or Disability Advocacy services.
Complaints are handled in a professional and understanding manner.
CRRS staff are impartial and do not take sides. Their job is to listen to your concerns and guide you on the path to resolution.
CRRS staff will:
- listen and document your complaint
- get your permission to talk to the relevant service and any others that are involved
- find a support person or advocate to help you with your complaint
- refer you to other relevant services and organisations to help resolve your complaint (for example legal services, counselling, WorkCover)
- talk to your service on your behalf about your complaint
The CRRS telephone hotline is available:
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 9:00pm AEST
Sat & Sunday10:00am – 9:00pm AEST
Public Holidays10:00am – 4:00pm AEST