The Migrant Resource Centre North West Region is a not for profit, community based organisation governed by a voluntary committee of management. The organisation was established in 1989 to provide support for refugees and migrants and support those who work with this target group.
Our goal is to assist clients and community groups to improve their ability to access participation in the life of the Australian Community while respecting and supporting people to maintain their individual culture and heritage.
MRC North West services includes the Regional Ethnic Disability Advocacy Program. which
- provides support to people with a disability and their families, who are from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
- assist peopl with a disability to assert their rights as valued members of society and to
participate in making decisions about their lives.
The way in which the Program’s aims are met include:
- Supporting people with a disability from CALD communities
- Supporting families and carers from CALD communities
- Assisting disability service providers to meet the individual needs of people from CALD communities
- Providing information and community education about disability support services
- Assisting disability support services to provide better quality services to people from CALD communities
- Assisting government to address CALD issues in planning, developing and monitoring the provision of disability support
- Supporting CALD communities to identify and develop opportunities for greater inclusion and participation by all members of their Community.
See also listing under Disability And Diversity