Women with Disabilities Victoria is an organisation made up of women with disabilities who support women with disabilities to achieve their rights in Victoria. Our vision is “a world where all women are respected and can fully experience life”. Our Mission to lead the way for Victorian women with disabilities and to improve women’s choices by building partnerships and providing support, information and community education.
Women with Disabilities Victoria promotes the health and wellbeing of women with disabilities. It does this by supporting women with disabilities to achieve their rights through information sharing, peer support and community education.
Women with Disabilities Victoria:
•Provides support and resources to women with disabilities in leadership roles
- Works with health services and other community organisations to ensure they respond to the needs of women with disabilities
- Ensures services for people with disabilities consider a gender perspective that is responsive to women with disabilities
- Encourages research on issues affecting women with disabilities
- Provides information to VWDN members, women with disabilities and organisations seeking to advance the rights of women with disabilities
- Ensures government legislation and policy promotes the health and well being of women with disabilities