Resource Library

Australian Bureau of Statistics
Tuesday 18th October, 2016

This publication presents information from the 2015 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC). It follows the release of the First Results in April 2016, which are also included in…

National Disability Services (NDS)
Monday 30th September, 2013

this short video provides advice on how boards of management might implement a human rights approach in their practice.  


Voice at the Table(VATT) is a pilot project which aims to increase the number of people with cognitive disabilities sitting on boards, committees and advisory groups within government, service providers…

Community Legal Centres

Done by Law is grassroots radio for social justice on community radio station 3CR, Tuesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm. The Federation of Community Legal Centres presents current legal issues, giving a unique…

Commonwealth of Australia
Senate Committee on Community Affairs
Wednesday 25th November, 2015

This matter was referred by the Senate to the  Senate Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report: on 11 February 2015. Over 160 submissions were received and public hearings…

3CR Community Radio

this program is produced and presented by people with disabilities covering issues such as housing, discrimination, difficulties with public transport, self-advocacy and other related issues. On 3CR Wednesday 6:00pm to…

Paul Henman and Michele Foster
Australian Journal of Social Issues Volume 50 Issue 3
Wednesday 4th November, 2015

In many developed countries, the provision of disability services has undergone significant transformations, from institutional to community based care, and from organisational to personalised funding. Yet delivering disability support remains…

Diversity Council Australia (DCA)
Thursday 29th October, 2015

Organisations are increasingly recognising that if they wish to experience the benefits of diversity, they need to cultivate not just a diverse workplace but also an inclusive one. There is…

Senate Community Affairs References Committee
Government of Australia
Wednesday 16th September, 2015

This is the final report from the inquiry looking into the impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social…

Services Australia
Tuesday 4th November, 2014

The Australian Department of Human Services has a series of videos available on their YouTube channel. These videos have been designed to  make it easier for people with disabilities to understand…

Outware Mobile
Friday 7th March, 2014

Snap Send Solve is the free app that allows you to easily report issues relating to the built environment to the relevant authorities anywhere in Australia. Spotted a dangerous pothole?…

Australian Human Rights Commission
Saturday 1st February, 2014

This report focuses on people with disabilities who need communication supports or who have complex and multiple support needs and who have come in contact with the criminal justice system….