Conference and Forum Sessions

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Christina Ryan, in her keynote speech at #SDAC24, talks about how the disability rights movement is at a cross roads. Many big processes or reforms have concluded and have left…

Advance Your Advocacy Practice
Thursday 18th July, 2024

CALD people with disability, as a cohort, are at higher risk of experiencing violence and abuse when compared to the general population of people with disability. They are also less…

Thursday 21st December, 2023
In this Advance Your Advocacy Practice panel session representatives from Victoria Legal Aid and Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service provide information about protecting the rights of tenants in disability accommodation

DARU’s 2023 Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference (4th September 2023) looked at what lifeboats are afloat for Victorians with disability and showcase what’s going on at the grassroots to make inclusion…

Friday 29th September, 2023

DARU’s 2023 Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference (4th September 2023) looked at what lifeboats are afloat for Victorians with disability and showcase what’s going on at the grassroots to make inclusion…

Tuesday 18th July, 2023
Many people with disabilities face barriers in accessing systems and are treated unfairly. But when is it simply unfair or unjust treatment, and when is it unlawful? Is it
Thursday 27th August, 2020
Disasters amplify the existing fault lines already experienced by people with disability to live an ordinary life. The best way to truly understand the impact of disasters on people with
Thursday 27th August, 2020
People with disability have the right to be supported and stay safe through disasters just like everyone else. This panel session distilled the issues and failures that have been thrown up
Thursday 27th August, 2020
Angela Cook, Project Manager, Community Engagement from the Country Fire Authority shares details of the 'Preparing Vulnerable People’ project. The resources that have been developed as part of the project
Thursday 27th August, 2020
Associate Professor Michelle Villeneuve, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney, led the DISABILITY INCLUSIVE DISASTER PREPAREDNESS IN NSW project. She outlines the key findings and steps to
Monday 18th September, 2017
Alastair McEwin, Disability Commissioner at Australian Human Rights Commission presented the Keynote Address at the Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference: Gearing up for the NDIS journey'. The conference was held at NAB
Advocacy Sector Conversations Forum
Thursday 18th May, 2017
Barbara Carter and Kate Fitt discussed issues around child protection and provided some practical tips on how to support parents with disability in their dealings with child protection agencies.