News and blogs

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Luke Buckmaster
Guardian Australia
Monday 17th July, 2017

A new Australian documentary, Defiant Lives, traces the history of disability rights at home and abroad, with the aim of challenging the movement’s erasure. When you talk about disability rights…

Allison Worrall
Sunday 16th July, 2017

She had been house-hunting for months while living out of her car and was devastated when she was told the house wasn’t suitable for someone with a disability, or a…

A Current Affair
Channel Nine
Tuesday 13th June, 2017

A single mother has called for a re-think of the National Disability Insurance Scheme after she was left without enough support to properly care for her severely disabled son.

Ginger Gorman
Monday 10th July, 2017

“These individuals are actually treating us like dogs. This is how you feel. It’s literally like, ‘No animals allowed’. You cannot travel with this dog on board. I’m sorry,” says…

Laura Spurway
9 News
Wednesday 12th July, 2017

A Victorian mother has filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission over treatment her autistic son received at a Peninsula Primary School.

Alison Branley
ABC Online
Tuesday 4th July, 2017

A Queensland mother has called for national disability provider Lifestyle Solutions to be closed down after it reinstated a carer accused of abusing her intellectually disabled daughter. The call comes…

Matt Jones
Daily Telegraph Sydney
Tuesday 4th July, 2017

Tammie Lansley feels she may be forced to relinquish care of her son Nathan to the government — because the government won’t offer her the support she needs to look…

Elizabeth Grant, George Zillante, Amit Srivastava, Selina Tually & Alwin Chong.
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
Monday 3rd July, 2017

This study investigated the interconnections between housing, community infrastructure and quality of life for Indigenous people living with disability. It incorporated three case studies from Yalata and Point Pearce in…

The Conversation
Wednesday 28th June, 2017

The 2016 Census has revealed an increase in the number of children with disability, up nearly 40,000 since 2011. One explanation is that the census now counts disability differently, which…

Linda J Graham and Kate de Bruin
ABC News
Friday 23rd June, 2017

One Nation leader and senator Pauline Hanson has suggested it would be better for teachers if students with autism and disability were put in special classrooms.

Jane Norman & Eliza Borrello
ABC News
Thursday 22nd June, 2017

Disability advocates and politicians have slammed One Nation senator Pauline Hanson’s call for children with autism and disabilities to be removed from mainstream classrooms, saying the “hurtful” idea would amount…

Natasha Robinson
ABC News
Wednesday 21st June, 2017

Key points: 26 independent schools for children with special needs will receive extra funding under Gonski 2.0 Funding for children with special needs in public schools will double by 2027…