News and blogs

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Early Childhood Intervention Australia Victoria/Tasmania
Thursday 30th May, 2024

ECIA VIC/TAS welcomes the budget’s investments to make schools and early learning more accessible for students with disabilities, to help families navigate the complex support system, and to provide support…

National Disability Services
Friday 24th May, 2024

In a webinar today the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce shared their preliminary thinking on the future of provider and worker regulation and sought feedback on three of their…

Sunday 26th May, 2024

Advocates say older Australians with a disability are being left in situations where they are housebound, struggling financially, or forced into residential care. The eligibility rules for the National Disability…

Northern Daily Leader
Wednesday 22nd May, 2024

Looming changes to the NDIS will lead to “homogenising” people with disabilities and ignore individual needs for support, advocacy groups warn. Laws before federal parliament seeking to overhaul parts of…

Rights Information and Advocacy Centre
Tuesday 21st May, 2024

The Rights Information and Advocacy Centre (RIAC) and the Barwon Disability Resource Council (BDRC) have officially merged as of today, 20 May, 2024. The merger will consolidate their capabilities in…

Friday 17th May, 2024

People with disability are too often seen as problems to be solved, rather than the problem-solvers with agency to act.

Thursday 15th May, 2014

In last night’s budget, the Labor Government removed $14.4 billion from the National Disability Insurance Scheme. This is a deliberate decision that will leave disabled people and the community worse…

Friday 17th May, 2024

Sara and Jess unpack from DSC what budget night heralded for the disability sector, including: $14.4bn cut from projected NDIS growth, funding to respond to the NDIS Review, consultation on…

The Mandarin
Monday 13th May, 2024

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth has stressed it is her paramount concern the rights and freedoms of people with disability are at the centre of government efforts. “The rights of…

Friday 10th May, 2024

Chris Coombes from DSC explores the proposed new NDIS Bill, including: changes to access, how the NDIA will respond to plan over- or under- spending, what will be a reviewable…

Department of Social Services
Friday 10th May, 2024

The Albanese Labor Government is championing the rights and freedoms of people with disability and has doubled systemic disability advocacy funding over the next four years. Eleven Disability Representative Organisations…

ABC News
Friday 10th May, 2024

For so many people with disabilities the NDIS has been a godsend. It’s also been plagued by reports of abuse and neglect. A 7.30 investigation has uncovered new allegations of…