Resource Library

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Attorney Generals Department
Saturday 1st September, 2018

Every four years, the Australian Government  is required to report to an international Committee of independent experts known as the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to outline…

Department of Social Services (DSS)
Australian Government

This report summarises the major themes raised by people with disability and their families and carers, Australian Disability Enterprises, employers of people with disability, peak bodies and other interested stakeholders, during…

Tuesday 17th July, 2018
This is a 40-page booklet which uses clear sections and headings and an easy to read layout to help parents with disability understand and navigate the child protection system in Victoria. It
Tuesday 12th December, 2017

The NDIS or National Disability Insurance Scheme is coming to indigenous communities around Australia. This video shows what NDIS workers do on communities and gives information on how the NDIS…

Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS)
Friday 3rd August, 2018
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) assists people with disability by making sure they get the right supports and services. But how does it work for young people? This resource
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
Friday 3rd August, 2018
This animated YouTube 6-part series provides bite size chunks of the NDIS process for consumers with mental health conditions.
Wednesday 11th July, 2018
This free online tool has been developed to asses your organisation's governance, fine-tuning already great organisations. The Governance Healthcheck looks at board structures and policies, and financial structures, including financial oversight
George Taleporos
Summer Foundation
Friday 6th July, 2018
In this second series, Dr George talks about different topics including self management of your NDIS Plan, support coordination and the relationship between the health system and the NDIS. The podcasts
National Disability Services
Thursday 5th July, 2018
This resource is a set of short films and accompanying guide that explore the use of restrictive practices and encourage disability support workers and supervisors to reflect on and talk about
Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV)
Tuesday 3rd July, 2018
The resource aims to provide women with disabilities information about how to identify violence and abuse and how to get help to feel safe. The resource was made for and
Communication Rights Australia
Tuesday 26th June, 2018
The Teachers’ Toolkit aims to help teachers feel more confident to engage and support their students with little or no speech, by equipping them with the latest information and practical
Stephanie Gotlib
Children and Young People with Disabilities Australia
Monday 18th June, 2018

Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) conducts a national survey each year on the educational experiences of students with disability in Australia. It focuses on the direct experience…