Training and Information Resources

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Women with Disabilities Victoria
Thursday 18th July, 2024

Women with Disabilities Victoria’s Gender & Disability Experts by Experience Advocates (the Experts) are a group of women and non-binary people with diverse experiences of disability. We’re excited to announce…

Victorian Disability Worker Commission
Friday 19th July, 2024

Victorian Disability Worker Commission along with the Disability Services Commissioner, have created a Complaints about Victoria Disability Services flyer to help you to know who to make a complaint about…

Children and Young People with Disability Australia
Wednesday 10th July, 2024

CYDA’s DREAM Network builds leadership skills, inclusive employment pathways, and opportunities for leadership positions for young people with disability. The DREAM Network is FREE and open to both employers wanting to…

Tuesday 16th July, 2024, 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Melbourne Disability Institute

Researchers from the University of Melbourne are leading a consortium of partners to review best practice in early childhood intervention in Australia. The review will produce a best practice framework,…

Tuesday 13th August, 2024
Belonging Matters

The idea of an active support network is really an old idea in our society. For people with disabilities, Circles of Support is an idea and practice that has been…

Australian Human Rights Commission
Friday 28th June, 2024

The Australian Human Rights Commission have produced an ‘Economic and Business Benefits of Employing People with Disability’ guide. The guides highlight some great research that tells us what we already…

Culture, Ethnicity and Health
Wednesday 26th June, 2024

CEH has developed three training videos in partnership with the Summer Foundation’s Upskill project. These videos take a deeper look at three important tools of cross-cultural communication in the disability…

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Tuesday 18th June, 2024

The Disability and Social Services Regulation Amendment Act 2023 (the Amendment Act) makes changes to the Disability Act 2006, Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Residential Tenancies Act) and other Acts to…

Deaf Australia
Tuesday 18th June, 2024

Deaf Australia is excited to launch a new toolkit called AIDE toolkit. AIDE meaning Accessibility, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity. This toolkit can be used for deaf people, their friends/family, organisations,…

Tuesday 18th June, 2024, 1.30pm - 4pm

This seminar will engage speakers from the allied health sector, and family members of people with an intellectual disability to discuss and critique changes to the delivery of allied health…

Tuesday 16th July, 2024, 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Bryce Pace - Autism Advocate

Join award winning autism advocate and consultant Bryce Pace as he brings his dynamic, one of a kind, Understanding Autism workshops to Ballarat. Through these workshops you will have the…

Thursday 20th June, 2024, 11am - 12noon
Women with Disabilities Victoria

A FREE event to launch Women with Disabilities Victoria and Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health newest gender and disability workforce development resources.