A fairer, equal and more inclusive Victoria

VCOSS welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Review of the Disability Act 2006 (Vic). It is important that the new Act is robust and comprehensive in promoting and protecting the rights of all Victorians with disability.

VCOSS members are passionate about building an inclusive Victoria, where people with disability have the same opportunities as their peers. The new Disability Act should have a bold vision with high aspirations to better support the participation of people with disability in the Victorian community and economy.

This submission focuses on mechanisms that promote inclusion (the State Disability Plan, disability action plans and the Victorian Disability Advisory Council), and safeguards and rights protections (including Community Visitors, residential rights and limits to restrictive practices).

The need for a strong, comprehensive and contemporary Disability Act that is rights based and focused on embedding inclusion has been reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic. At different stages of the pandemic, policies and programs designed and deployed as part of the emergency response have relegated – or have been silent on – the rights of people with disabilities.

Charlotte Newbold
Tuesday 26th October, 2021

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