New Harassment Service for DDLS

Sexual harassment/discrimination for women in the workplace

Are you a woman who has been subjected to sexual harassment or discrimination in the workplace?

Do you have a disability – or do you think you have acquired a disability or illness due to your treatment?  Not sure? Call us.

DDLS has commenced as of January 2023 a four year project which expands our services to dealing with workplace issues under the Fair Work Act as well as state and federal discrimination laws.

To book an advice appointment, call us on 9654-8644 or email on [email protected]. Telephone advice appointments are available during regular business hours and Wednesdays after 5 PM.

If you have been terminated from your employment, please tell whoever you contact at our organisation that you need an urgent appointment so we can assist you to meet any deadlines under the Fair Work Act.

If you have been terminated from your employment and you have NOT made an application under the Fair Work Act, please tell whoever you contact at our organisation that you need an urgent appointment.

Is there a group of people you think might like a tailored workshop on this subject? Contact us.

Wednesday 2nd March, 2022

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