The Senate will hold a nation-wide inquiry into the abuse of disabled people in institutions and homes in Australia, following a Fairfax Media/ABC investigation.
The Greens moved a motion in the Senate on Wednesday afternoon, which passed with Labor’s support without requiring a formal vote.
Last year, Juliette Anderson, who suffered abuse at the hands of her former carer, went public about her ordeal as part of a joint Fairfax/ABC Four Corners investigation into Victoria’s biggest disability provider.
Leaked documents and whistleblowers revealed that Yooralla had bungled the handling of rape and sexual harassment cases.
Ms Anderson was in Canberra on Wednesday to urge senators to support the inquiry.
Greens senator Rachel Siewert, who initiated the inquiry, said it was an “important step towards shining a light on an issue that has gone unacknowledged for too long”.
“This inquiry is just one step to ensuing that people with disability can feel safe day to day whilst accessing essential services.”
As a result of the investigation, the Victorian Parliament will hold an inquiry into abuse of disabled people in residential care and the state Ombudsman will examine Yooralla, but Senator Siewert said it was “ridiculous” to consider it as just a state issue.
“It is happening all over the country and [needs] a national approach.”
Last year, the minister with responsibility for disability, Mitch Fifield, said there was no need for a national inquiry, as states and territories had responsibility for disability services.
Disability organisations have been pushing for a national inquiry.
People with Disability Australia president Craig Wallace asked senators to look to their consciences.
“Imagine being disabled and in hands of rapist day after day,” he tweeted on Wednesday.
According to People with Disability, people who live in institutions and residential settings are “particularly susceptible” to violence from staff and other residents.
“This violence is very difficult to detect, investigate and prosecute.”
In a recent letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, calling for a national inquiry, a coalition of disability groups noted that 90 per cent of women with an intellectual disability have been subjected to sexual abuse. It also noted that 18 per cent of people with disability reported being victims of physical or threatened violence, compared to 10 per cent without disability.
The inquiry comes after Fairfax Media reported on Wednesday that another former Yooralla worker had been charged with incident assault of disabled people in their care.