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1300 891 848

Complaints and Dispute resolution service dealing with the Equal Opportunities Act 2010, the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities and the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001. The Victorian Equal…

(03) 8559 2620 (Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm)

Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) Victoria/Tasmania is the peak body for early childhood intervention in Victoria and Tasmania. Our vision is for young children of all abilities to fully participate…

(03) 9331 3474

The Physical Disability Council of Victoria (PDCV) is the recognised State Peak Body representing the views and interests of people with a physical disability in Victoria.  PDCV is the communication…

Advocating for independently accessible public transport in Victoria All Aboard is tired of the slow progress on improving the accessibility of public transport in Victoria. A diverse range of …people…

1300 947 820

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) support people who are at risk of or are receiving compulsory psychiatric treatment to have as much say as possible about their assessment, treatment and…

1300 368 821

Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV) is a specialist Community Legal Centre and is a member of the Victorian Federation of Community Legal Centres and the national association, Community Legal Centres Australia….

1300 368 821

Seniors Rights Victoria provides information, support, advice and education to help prevent elder abuse and safeguard the rights, dignity and independence of older people. Elder abuse is any act which…

1800 AAA VIC (1800 222 842)

Reclink Australia is funded by the Access for All Abilities program to act as the first point of call for people with disabilities looking for sporting opportunities, through the provision…

(03) 9322 3555
1800 015 188 - Toll Free 24 hours 7 days a week

Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria (WDVCS) provides up to $9,000 per person for disability related needs when escaping family violence and operates 24-hour access to interpreters as well as…

(03) 9650 7855

Reinforce is a self advocacy organisation for people with an intellectual disability. Reinforce is here to assist, support and encourage independence for people with an intellectual disability. Reinforce promotes the…

1300 039 390

Funds in Court [FIC] is an Office of the Supreme Court of Victoria that deals with funds paid into Court. Funds are paid into Court by a court order usually…

1800 783 783

Intake and Response assist people with a disability, their family and carers to navigate and access community and specialist supports and services. Visit the website for contact details for your…