Daniel Leighton

Inclusion Melbourne is a day support provider that began the journey to personalised services in 1990. The centre was sold in 2008 and now delivers all supports within the community. Prior to working at Inclusion Melbourne he held a range of roles across the community and disability sector including in government, academia and in NFPs. He has a deep commitment in ensuring the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability, sustaining a healthy and vibrant charitable community support sector and the utilisation of evidence based practices. Daniel is also the Chair of the Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation, Australia’s largest community philanthropic foundation and served as an expert adviser on the design of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the area of control and choice. He is currently a member of the intellectual disability reference group for the NDIS and also serves on the advisory committees of the Living with Disability Research Group at Latrobe University (Melbourne), the Centre for Applied Disability Research (Sydney) and the Victorian committee for National Disability Services, the peak not for profit industry body in Australia.


Enter stage rights: Applying a human rights based approach to person-centred service delivery

Time: 1:30am - 2:30am

Location: The Hall

Facilitated by: Robyn Gaile, National Manager Innovative Service Delivery, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)

What role can or should disability advocacy play in a landscape of person-centred service delivery? How do we make sure that mainstream services are accessible to people with disability? What will best practice look like?