David Brant

David Brant has been a person with disability since 2000 when he lost most of his sight. Since then David has worked as an advocate for systemic disability issues - playing a lead role in the successful campaign to have the Victorian Government reinstate the M40 taxi card. He continues to campaign on disability public transport issues. David currently sits on four  boards, including  VCOSS, COTAVic Policy Council, , Australian Network for Universal Housing Design (convenor) and Yarra Disability Advisory Committee, and for many years David was a member of the Victorian ministerial Disability Advisory Committee (VDAC).


Rights Retrospective

Time: 3:30am - 5:30am

Location: The Hall

Facilitated by: Sarah Barton, Film Producer

This special multi-media event marks the 30th anniversary of funded disability advocacy in Victoria. We will be reminded of the campaigns and personalities that have been telling the story of disability advocacy, how integral these were in building a rich history, and how this strong foundation is what we build on to create a future where rights are respected for all.