Gary Kerridge

Gary has worked in the disability sector for nearly 30 years. He has particular expertise in the Deafness area including Deafness and mental health. He has worked in s variety of roles across disabilities including management, community development, case work, project worker, advocacy and carer. He is a well-known advocate and social commentator across the disability sector in Australia.


Revving up empowerment in the NDIS 

Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Location: The Hall

Facilitated by: Liz Wright, Disability Access Officer

Since its inception, a fundamental principle of the NDIS has always been to promote choice and control. This panel will investigate how empowered people with disability really are in asserting these principles through NDIS processes. Are goals translated into supports through planning and does ‘reasonable and necessary’ refer to need of the participant or the NDIA’s bottom line?