Jax (Jacki) Brown

Jax Jacki Brown is a disability & LGBTI rights activist, writer, spoken-word performer, public speaker, workshop facilitator and disability sexualities educator. She is a graduate of Southern Cross University with a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies and Communication, where she focused on disability and LGBTI studies, providing a sound academic framework to affirm and explore her commitment to disability and social justice issues. Jax’s public speaking work is extensive, she has provided guest lectures on disability and its social construction for Southern Cross University, Victoria University and University of Melbourne and frequently presents at conferences. Jax runs workshops on disability, sex and sexuality for university departments and originations. Her written work has been published on websites such as Junkee, Daily Life, The Feminist Observer, Writers Victoria, ABC’s Ramp Up and in print for Archer Magazine: The Australian Journal for Sexual Diversity, Queer Disability Anthology (2015) and Doing It: Women Tell the Truth about Great Sex (2016).


Rights, camera action! Advocacy beyond 2016

Time: 12:00am - 1:00am

Location: The Hall

Facilitated by: Emma King, Chief Executive Officer, VCOSS

How do advocates get issues on the public agenda now? How do we best connect with allies, decision-makers and the general public? Do we need to shift our campaigns online, or are those mass rallies that served us so well in the past still effective enough to drive change?