Judy Huett

Judy Huett Is a 40 year old woman with an intellectual disability from Burnie ,Tasmania, where she lives with her husband Peter. In 2010Judy was awarded the Tasmanian Disability community Achievement Award which was followed, in 2012, by the Individual Award for Human Rights for her long-standing commitment to promoting the human rights of people with intellectual disability and her contribution at a local, national and international level to developing Self Advocacy. In 2013 Judy travelled to Geneva, Switzerland as part of the expert group to talk to and present to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and is currently working as the Self Advocacy Liaison for Speak Out Association of Tasmania.


A champion of change on the world stage

Time: 1:30am - 2:30am

Location: Park A

Judy Huett, a leading self advocate from Tasmania, talks about her work on boards and committees including representing Australia on the UN Committee on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Geneva.