Kerry Stringer

Kerry has extensive experience in the disability sector and is passionate about working with people with disability and complex needs. Over the past 12 months Kerry has chaired the Victorian Coalition of ABI Service Providers (VCASP) VCASP was established in 1998, in response to the need for co-ordinated policy and service development for people affected by acquired brain injury (ABI). VCASP is a not-for-profit peak body acting on behalf of public and private sector service providers who assist people with acquired brain injuries, their families and others involved in their support. This year Kerry worked with the VCASP Criminal Justice Sub-Committee to develop the VCASP Position Paper : People with Acquired Brain Injury and the Criminal Justice System.


Criminal justice system and people with disability

Time: 3:00am - 4:00am

Location: Yellow Room

In spite of law reform efforts to strengthen the rights of victims of crime who have a cognitive impairment, there are still significant barriers in prosecuting these cases.