Kirsten Deane

Kirsten Deane is currently the Executive Director of the National Disability and Carer Alliance. Until recently, Kirsten was the National Manager of Communications and Engagement at the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations and was a Director in the Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) team at the National Disability Insurance Agency. Before joining the NDIA, she served as the inaugural Executive Director of the National Disability and Carer Alliance and the Deputy Campaign Director of the Every Australian Counts campaign for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. She also served as Co-Chair and Deputy Chair of the National People with Disability and Carer Council. She has been a long term board member of both Down Syndrome Australia and Down Syndrome Victoria. A former journalist turned academic, Kirsten has three children and, as a result, has excellent conflict mediation skills.


Motor’s running and we’re ready to roll

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Location: The Hall

Facilitated by: Llewellyn Reynders, Policy Manager, VCOSS

The strength of personal stories and grassroots campaigning on the rights of people with disability touched the general public and politicians alike. This panel will reflect on how highlighting the disparity of people with disability in living an ‘ordinary life’ shamed the nation and brought the NDIS into being. We turned the narrow dusty road into a super highway- but are we there yet?