Lauren Hayes

Lauren completed her music therapy degree at the University of Melbourne in 2009. During her university studies she had clinical placements in special education, paediatric palliative care, aged care and psychiatry. Lauren was president of Young Blind Citizens Victoria from 2007-2009, and has also served as treasurer, vice-president and as a general member on the committee. In 2008, Lauren was choir director at Medley Hall, a residential college at the University of Melbourne. Lauren has personal experience of disability. Lauren draws on these experiences and the skills which she gained from them in her current work with Women with Disabilities Victoria. Since commencing work with the organisation, Lauren has further developed her skills in project management, developing and facilitating leadership training programs for women with disabilities, facilitating groups, chairing meetings, conference presentations, event management and administration.


Empowering women with disabilities in local communities

Time: 4:00am - 4:30am

Location: Blue Room

A learning package designed to assist women with disabilities in representation and advocacy work has been developed.