Leonie Dillon

Leonie's background is in the area of early childhood development, family services and community development. She believes that each individual, family and community has the right to develop their life and community to the best potential that they need, desire and want. Leonie has always felt most comfortable working within a social justice framework because it fundamentally establishes human rights values in the community and culture. Her last four years working as an advocate has further cemented this as she has come to understand how inherently important rights are to the lives of individuals particularly when best practice is not applied and individuals rights are undermined as a result.


Enter stage rights: Applying a human rights based approach to person-centred service delivery

Time: 1:30am - 2:30am

Location: The Hall

Facilitated by: Robyn Gaile, National Manager Innovative Service Delivery, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)

What role can or should disability advocacy play in a landscape of person-centred service delivery? How do we make sure that mainstream services are accessible to people with disability? What will best practice look like?