Melissa Hale is the Manager of Disability Advocacy Resource Unit auspiced by the Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS) and Disability Advocacy Victoria which resources and builds the capacity of the disability advocacy sector in Victoria. In addition to this, Melissa is an alumni and valedictorian of the 2021 Williamson Leadership Program with Leadership Victoria, fellow of the Melbourne Forum and a mentor and facilitator for various organisations including Disability Sports Australia and Paralympics Australia.
She also leads a Leadership and Mentoring service for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Australians. A Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, her board roles include; member of Accessible Transport Advisory Committee with the Victorian Government Department of Transport, Board Director of Expression Australia and Head of Deaf Women’s Cricket with Deaf Cricket Australia and Cricket Australia.
Melissa has a passion for creating opportunities for Deaf and hard of hearing people, and other people with disabilities, to lead in spaces where decisions are made that affect them. Her career purpose is to influence change in society to become more disability inclusive so that people with disabilities have more spaces and communities to feel a sense of belonging.
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