New Wave is a self advocacy group run by and for people with disabilities based in the Latrobe Valley. New Wave is based in Morwell where they share an office with the Gippsland Disability Advocacy Service. New Wave’s work includes representation on the City of Latrobe Disability Advisory Committee; running the new self advocacy office 2 days a week in Morwell; rights training in CRUs; liaison and support to the DHS ASIST Team; partnering with DHS in recruitment of new staff and working with the Centre against Sexual Assault to run the Living Safer Sexual Lives program.
Members from Reinforce and New Wave talk about the different ways they spread the word on issues facing people with intellectual disabilities and what they do to let people know about, and get, their rights. Peta Ferguson, President of Brain Injury Matters (BIM), describes the production of two kits, The Hitch-hiker’s Guide through the Brain maze and the associated speakers kit, showing how they work and their importance. Then a brief explanation of what causes ABI, the short and long term effects and the negative community attitudes to this sometimes hidden disability followed by three BIM members sharing their personal journeys: