Sam Drummond

Sam is the Senior Policy and Research Officer at the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. He is also a discrimination lawyer, human rights advocate and ambassador of the Includability Project with the Australian Human Rights Commission. If that wasn’t enough, he sits on the community panel of the Ad Standards that adjudicates complaints about advertisements, board member of Lawyers for Peace, and now author having published his first book Broke in June 2023.  


Shiver me timbers! Advocacy and inclusion

Time: 10:15am - 11:10am

Location: The Hall

Facilitated by: Ryan Sheales, Director Communications, VCOSS

The systems juggernaut has been in dry docks for some time while inspection and investigation has been underway. Unfortunately, too many rotting and split timbers were found, rendering her unseaworthy. What repairs can be done to get her full steam ahead again?