Trevor Carroll

Trevor is passionate about protecting and enhancing the human rights of people with disabilities having had first hand personal experience of disability discrimination in Australia on many occasions. He uses his lived experience in his current role, leading a team of 9 disability advocates to protect the rights of people with disability on a range of issues. Trevor is a man wearing many hats and holds several positions including Chairperson of Disabled People’s International (DPI) Asia Pacific Region and member of the DPI World Executive, Chairperson and President of the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), the peak body representing people with disability in Australia and is a current member of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission's Disability Reference Group after previously serving 4 years as the Co-chair. Other activities Trevor has been involved with recently include working with the Police Disability Portfolio Reference Group where he helped train police recruits in disability awareness through the Community Encounters Program and also did some mentoring with the Australian Quadriplegics Association.
