Course: Advocating for Children with Disabilities in Primary and Secondary Schools

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Over the past two decades there has been lack of improvement in the Victorian education system, specifically regarding outcomes for children with disabilities. There is the absence of useful data and recurring problems, such as false imprisonment, assault (referred to as restrictive practices), restricted attendance based on disability, and issues with suspension, expulsion, and exclusion. The need for tangible improvements and better educational outcomes for children with disabilities is essential. In this Toolkit we look at what advocates can do, and the mechanisms available to them, to advocate for children with disability in the Victorian education system.
Over the past two decades there has been lack of improvement in the Victorian education system, specifically regarding outcomes for children with disabilities. There is the absence of useful data and recurring problems, such as false imprisonment, assault (referred to as restrictive practices), restricted attendance based on disability, and issues with suspension, expulsion, and exclusion. The need for tangible improvements and better educational outcomes for children with disabilities is essential. In this Toolkit we look at what advocates can do, and the mechanisms available to them, to advocate for children with disability in the Victorian education system.