Course: How to be disability inclusive

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Mary Henley-Collopy talking about disability inclusion

Disability awareness is generally low in the broader community. Have you ever found yourself not making the effort to connect out of fear of saying or doing the wrong thing? Well, it’s just this that makes people with disability feel invisible and excluded.

Knowing how to include people with disability to participate in an ordinary Australian life is something everyone can do to create positive change - whether this be in your workplace, at school, in your local community, or when developing policy and communications.

It really is as easy as raising your disability awareness. So let’s get going on learning how to start making a more accessible world for everyone.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Understand what inclusion means to people with disability
  • Understand what disability etiquette is and how to meet, write and talk about people with disability.
  • Know how to be inclusive for people with disability in different work and social settings
  • Be able to identify exclusionary practice and policy or finding ways to break down barriers

Note: the tips and examples provided in this course is not expert advice and should be treated as a guide for awareness raising only. For more specific expert information, contact the relevant disability specific agency.

Mary Henley-Collopy talking about disability inclusion

Disability awareness is generally low in the broader community. Have you ever found yourself not making the effort to connect out of fear of saying or doing the wrong thing? Well, it’s just this that makes people with disability feel invisible and excluded.

Knowing how to include people with disability to participate in an ordinary Australian life is something everyone can do to create positive change - whether this be in your workplace, at school, in your local community, or when developing policy and communications.

It really is as easy as raising your disability awareness. So let’s get going on learning how to start making a more accessible world for everyone.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Understand what inclusion means to people with disability
  • Understand what disability etiquette is and how to meet, write and talk about people with disability.
  • Know how to be inclusive for people with disability in different work and social settings
  • Be able to identify exclusionary practice and policy or finding ways to break down barriers

Note: the tips and examples provided in this course is not expert advice and should be treated as a guide for awareness raising only. For more specific expert information, contact the relevant disability specific agency.