Research Reports

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People with Disability Australia
Wednesday 31st January, 2024

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides a critical way for people with disability to access housing and living supports. The NDIS Review Final Report has made two recommendations to…

eSafety Commissioner
Wednesday 13th December, 2023

Young people with disability are active participants in the online world and enjoy playing games, posting content and just hanging out with friends.

Actuaries Institute
Wednesday 13th December, 2023

This report builds on the Actuaries Institute’s May 2023 Green Paper that found inequality in Australia is significantly higher than in the 1980s.

NDIS Review
Friday 8th December, 2023

To support the final report NDIS Review have created a guide for people with disability and their families, which provides information on the topics that they understand matter most to…

Monday 8th November, 2021
Data outlined in the latest Quarterly Report highlights significant progress by participants, their families, carers and wider disability networks including participants experiencing increased choice and control, opportunities to participate and
University of Melbourne, University of Technology Sydney and University of Sydney
Tuesday 25th July, 2023

The report describes restrictive practices as physical, chemical or environmental restraints and seclusion that are legally, socially or professionally sanctioned. The report also includes involuntary health treatment, guardianship, financial management,…

Yarra Energy Foundation
Power outages put customers at risk, affecting their well-being and daily routines. This can lead to distress and challenges in self-care. While we know outages are inconvenient for all customers,
Associate Professor Sue Olney
Tuesday 1st August, 2023

This Discussion Paper addresses the problems currently impacting this focus area, the evidence available, and the proposed solutions to these problems.

NDIA in partnership with Scope
Monday 17th July, 2023
This home and living capacity building report is part of working to develop a new approach to home and living.  The research explores supports NDIS participants use to build their
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Western Sydney University
Disability Royal Commission
Tuesday 11th July, 2023
The report states that the combination of disability and risk is one of the most explicit forms of discrimination parents with disability face. This is magnified for First Nations parents
NDIS Review
Thursday 29th June, 2023
s from individuals and organisations who have already submitted feedback to the Review. Part A draws out the five most challenging and important issues given the Terms of Reference from
Lee-Ann Monk, David Henderson, Christine Bigby, Richard Broome and Katie Holmes
Monash University Publishing
Monday 26th June, 2023
This meticulously researched book uses archival records to explore the history of Kew Cottages through the trajectory of ideas behind development of disability policy, both nationally and internationally, and the