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Cancer Council Victoria
Friday 12th July, 2024
Wednesday 31st July, 2024

Applications are now open for Cancer Council Victoria’s Increasing Cancer Screening for People with Disabilities grant program in 2024.  This grant program aims to support delivery of projects that increase…

ABC News
Tuesday 30th April, 2024

Some days, Kristin Gillespie’s disability is so debilitating she can’t make a meal, leave the house or remember how to use her phone. On those days, life feels like “swimming laps…

Office of Public Advocate
Saturday 6th April, 2024

Healthy Discussions: Supporting people with disability to make and communicate health decisions aims to improve the way that health practitioners communicate with people with disability and to improve their understanding…

Univerity of Melbourne
Monday 18th March, 2024

For anyone diagnosed with physical illnesses, like cancer, it’s common for services and organisations to provide peer-support programs. Programs like these acknowledge the need for people to learn how to…

ABC News
Thursday 29th February, 2024

Many are calling for increased support to help people living with disability cope with the health impacts of extreme hot weather. The Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten, has received…

Friday 23rd February, 2024

Disability rights groups across the country are urging the federal government to do more to protect people with disability from the growing threat of summer heatwaves.

Medical Xpress
Wednesday 24th January, 2024

According to a new analysis, almost a quarter of Australians with disabilities smoke when compared to just 12.6% of the wider population. While the number of Australians smoking is declining,…

National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health
Wednesday 8th November, 2023

Emerging Minds: National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health are inviting you to participate in this survey as a professional in Australia who may work with adults who may be…

Mirage News
Sunday 15th October, 2023

The Albanese Labor Government is establishing a National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health – which fulfils an election commitment made in 2022. Compared with the general population, the…

Thursday 12th October, 2023
Sunday 19th November, 2023

VMIAC have two exciting PAID opportunities for people with lived experience of psychosocial disability, mental ill health and/or using mental health services who are current NDIS participants or are interested…

Sunday 10th September, 2023
Sunday 19th November, 2023

VMIAC have 2 exciting PAID opportunities for people with lived experience of psychosocial disability, mental ill health and/or using mental health services who are current NDIS participants or are interested…

Safer Care Victoria
Monday 4th September, 2023
Friday 22nd September, 2023

What is it? A minimum 18-month appointment to the Consumer Voice Working Group (CVWG). The Consumer Voice Working Group will help SCV and the Department of Health to better capture…