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Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
Wednesday 28th October, 2020
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to help people living with a significant and permanent disability live their best life. GPs play a very important role in helping
Di Winkler
Pro Bono News
Wednesday 21st October, 2020
Young people often end up in aged care because they fall through the gap between hospitals and the disability service system. The two systems operate on completely different time frames.
Department of Social Services (DSS)
Australian Government
Wednesday 30th September, 2020
Wednesday 1st October, 2025
The initiative includes $10.6m in the 2020-21 Budget for a national network of system coordinators to help younger people find age-appropriate accommodation and supports to allow them to live independently
Australian Associated Press
Tuesday 22nd September, 2020
“We believe that if Oliver had not have had the labels of autism and intellectual disability attached to him, he would absolutely have not have been prescribed psychotropic medications,” McGowan
Mental Health Coordinating Council
Saturday 19th September, 2020
This webinar was held on 27 August 2020 as part of the 'Embracing Change' series and is now available on demand. It was designed to guide you through practical examples
Anna Ross, Elizabeth Paton, Michelle Blanchard
The Conversation
Monday 24th August, 2020
This can generate a skewed impression mental illness causes violent behaviour, which reinforces myths, increases stigmatising attitudes and cultivates fear among the public.
Chloe Booker and Rachel Eddie
The Age
Wednesday 19th August, 2020
A disabled woman has caught COVID-19 from a support worker after the National Disability Insurance Agency refused to allow her sister to provide care instead during the pandemic. Sheree Driver told
National Ageing Research Institute
Thursday 13th August, 2020
This report finds that integrated models for care, health and housing that are embedded in the community are the most effective at empowering clients and carers to take a lead
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
Wednesday 15th July, 2020
This film has involved hundreds of people with mental distress who have engaged in workshops, interviews and surveys about the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Mental Health in Victoria. It
Wendy Tuohy
The Age
Sunday 2nd August, 2020
Residents and workers in group homes for people with disabilities face "a looming emergency" due to lack of training in use of personal protective equipment and inadequate preparation to combat
Nas Campanella
ABC News
Tuesday 4th August, 2020
Ms McKenzie has been working with the Black Dog Institute and experts from the University of New South Wales to develop an accessible website called Healthy Mind, to support people
Caitlin Cassidy
The Age
Friday 24th July, 2020
New rules on wearing face masks have caused particular issues for deaf people and those who are hard of hearing, prompting calls for patience.  Deaf Victoria and the Disability Advocacy