Board Member

Do you have a passion for social justice, disability and human rights?  Would you like to lend your expertise to Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc (GDAI) Board?  The Board of management is made up of voluntary/unpaid board members from a variety of lived, industry, health, disability, and community backgrounds. Meetings are held on the third Monday of the Month either Face to face or online.

GDA is a not for profit, community based Incorporated Association, funded to provide advocacy support, advice, and referrals for people with disability.

GDA provides outreach support to people with disabilities across the six regional local government areas of Gippsland.

For more information and/or to discuss becoming a Board member of GDA please contact the Board Chair, Yvonne Waite:
E: [email protected]

Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc. 
Friday 19th May, 2023
Sunday 25th June, 2023

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