Market failure and the National Disability Insurance Scheme 

The aims of the NDIS are laudable and rightly ambitious, aiming to support Australians with a significant and permanent disability achieve a better life through access to the supports they need. The Scheme was designed to place people with disabilities at its heart, and banked on a marketised system to deliver services, improve quality and drive innovation within the disability sector. Control and choice are driving mantras of the scheme and its introduction included a move from a system of block funding services to operating on a system where individuals are provided with funding to purchase the supports they determine they need. It is a deeply regulated market, however, with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), a government statutory agency regulating access to the market through assessing potential clients, regulating the level of resourcing provided for individuals, regulating the rules and costs for services provided through the scheme.

Rebecca Vassarotti
Riot ACT
Thursday 7th September, 2017

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