This overview summarises the responses to the Promoting inclusion Issues paper that was released in December 2020. It outlines what should be done to promote a more inclusive society that supports the independence of people with disability and their right to live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
People responding to the issues paper described an inclusive society as one that:
- recognises human rights
- is co-designed by people with disability
- is fully accessible
- provides culturally competent and safe services
- recognises the social model of disability
- promotes a sense of belonging.
Many people described inclusion as a human right and noted that an inclusive society is one in which all members are treated equally and provided with equal opportunities.
People identified the following barriers to an inclusive society for people with disability:
- law, policies and practices
- community attitudes and behaviours
- intersectional barriers such as race, gender, age and sexuality
- segregation and exclusion
- physical and environmental barriers.
People also identified barriers experienced by people with disability in specific settings and systems including education, employment, health and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Proposals for changeare broadly grouped into the following categories:
- ‘nothing about us without us’
- government leadership
- changing attitudes and behaviours
- addressing segregation
- ensuring accessibility
- providing access to safe and quality services
- strengthening oversight and accountability
- measuring and monitoring performance towards inclusion.
The full overview is available for download in a variety of formats.