Shortage of Workers May Put DisabilityCare at Risk

The national disability insurance scheme DisabilityCare Australia is at risk of ”grinding to a halt” unless enough workers can be trained to provide care by the time the program is running in 2018, according to community sector workforce analysis.

Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council chief executive Rod Cooke said there was a critical shortfall of training opportunities for workers entering the disability sector. ”We think it’s a serious show stopper and we need to start having discussions now because if we wait the program will grind to a halt,” he said.

The national disability sector workforce will need to increase from about 110,000-120,000 now to 220,000-250,000 people over the next five to six years, under DisabilityCare Australia.

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Employment, NDIS
Rachel Browne
Herald Sun
Wednesday 29th May, 2013

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