Disability advocacy by the numbers: Statistics from July 2012 to June 2016

This document seeks to provide information about disability advocacy using data provided by the Victorian Government’s Office for Disability from the disability advocacy organisations it funds. Disability advocacy is also funded by the Australian Government through the National Disability Advocacy Program, but data from that program is not included in this report.

Use the links on the sidebar to navigate all the sections of this report.

© 2017 Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU)
This publication is copyright. Apart from fair dealings as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, non profit organisations have permission to reproduce part of the book not exceeding 10% of any section as long as credit is given to DARU and no charge is made by any such organisation with respect to any use made of the material. 


Using this report

The report links disability advocacy services with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), and the commitments in Absolutely Everyone: State Disability Plan 2017-2020.

The UNCRPD, ratified by Australia in 2008, contains traditional human rights concepts which are general protections found in other thematic human rights conventions. It outlaws discrimination in all areas of life, including employment, education, health services, transportation and access to justice. The Convention has added, modified and transformed traditional rights concepts to give them a more specific disability focus. It has added detailed disability-specific interpretations to some of these ‘traditional’ human rights concepts.  Protection of the human rights of people with disability is at the cornerstone of the work of disability advocacy, hence why the services and data is linked to the relevant sections of the Convention throughout this report.

Absolutely Everybody: State Disability Plan 2017-20 sets out the Victorian Government’s vision, goals, priorities and actions for Victorians with disability. It contains government commitments for change to enhance the lives people with disability and support their full participation in community life.

The report provides basic data on the number, characteristics and advocacy issues of people using disability advocacy services in Victoria.

This report also contains case studies provided by organisations, which illustrate the nature and impact of disability advocacy services. The case studies have been de-identified, disclosing neither the clients nor the organisations providing advocacy services.

Information from this report may also be useful for organisations in planning their service delivery and advocacy. It is also useful to identify common trends in issues faced by the sector to target resourcing and systemic advocacy efforts.

© Copyright 2017 Disability Advocacy Resource Unit



ABI – Acquired Brain Injury

DARU – Disability Advocacy Resource Unit

DHHS – Department of Health and Human Services

DSP – Disability Support Pension

LGBTI – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex

NDIS – National Disability Insurance Scheme

NDIA – National Disability Insurance Agency

PSD – Program for Students with Disability

QDC – Quarterly Data Collection

UNCRPD – United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

VCAT – Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal


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This report is 44 pages and should be printed as a booklet in full auto colour for best effect using the downloads provided below.  To arrange free delivery of professionally printed copies, Contact DARU on 9639 5807.