DARU Publications

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This brochure is a guide to disability inclusion and how to ensure we can all live and work in an accessible world. Every Australian has a role to play in
Monday 10th September, 2018
Empowered Lives outlines the key systemic issues facing Victorians with disability in their interactions with Victorian Government systems, and sets out achievable actions the Government can take to provide more opportunities

Need help from an advocate to access the NDIS? This booklet contains information for people living in Victoria. It includes some frequently asked questions and a list of organisations which can…

The laws and processes that protect people from unlawful discrimination.  Relevant case studies are used to demonstrate discrimination that is legal and illegal and follows outcomes through the decisions taken
This supplementary report to Disability Advocacy by the Numbers:Statistics from July 2012 to June 2016  outlines some of the data integrity issues DARU encountered in compiling the report. It should be
This document seeks to provide information about disability advocacy using data provided by the Victorian Government’s Office for Disability from the disability advocacy organisations it funds. The report provides basic
The objective of this consultation was to bring together disability advocates working on the ground in the sector and hearing the issues they have identified in the NDIS rollout so
The Australian Government Department of Social Services is reviewing the National Disability Advocacy Framework.  This joint submission, prepared by VCOSS, DAV Inc and DARU, is in response to the Discussion
It is important that the sector develops and uses consistent messaging across all stakeholder groups from Government to people with disabilities to the general public to achieve ‘cut- through’, connect

DARU undertook this stakeholder engagement project over the second half of 2012 to investigate the relevance and accessibility of the resources it is providing to advocacy organisations, people with a…