News and blogs

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Victoria Ward
The Telegraph, UK
Friday 16th August, 2013

A man with significant learning difficulties has been ordered to undergo a vasectomy to prevent him from having further children in a landmark legal ruling by the High Court. Mrs…

Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie
The Age
Monday 29th July, 2013

Timewell Crescent in Boronia is home to some of Victoria’s most severely intellectually disabled people. Run by the state’s biggest non-government residential care service, Yooralla, the house has been in…

The Age
Wednesday 17th July, 2013

Families who take their disabled children overseas to be sterilised should face criminal charges, a parliamentary inquiry has recommended. For 10 months, senators have been weighing up human rights issues…

Matty Silver
The age
Thursday 18th July, 2013

In recent months discussions about disability featured widely in the media. One issue however has been noticeably ignored. In the months before the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was launched…

Clementine Ford
The Age
Monday 8th April, 2013

When Stella Young was four years old, she broke her leg while on a family holiday in Adelaide. For Stella and her family, such an incident wasn’t uncommon. The disability…

Toby Hall
The Age
Saturday 22nd June, 2013

I recently made some widely reported comments about helping more disabled people – particularly disability support pensioners – into jobs. In response, I received two death threats and about 50…

Rachel Browne
The Age
Monday 24th June, 2013

Jock Watson spent most of his 20s in a nursing home after a car accident left him with an acquired brain injury, meaning he needed constant care. While fellow residents…

Dan Harrison
The Age
Monday 1st July, 2013

It began with a mother’s plea and had many champions. Australia’s groundbreaking disability insurance scheme starts today. One day in 2006, Bruce Bonyhady went to visit a kindergarten in the…

Global Accessibility News
Friday 28th June, 2013

International negotiators meeting under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) adopted on June 27 a landmark new treaty that boosts access to books for the benefit of…

Stephanie Gotlib
New Matilda
Thursday 6th June, 2013

The PM has delivered on Gonski’s recommendations for a funding boost to students with disabilities. Money is necessary, but will only go so far – attitudes must change too, writes…

Rick Morton
The Australian
Wednesday 29th May, 2013

The disability and aged-care workforce, already one of the fastest-growing in Australia, will need to expand by a fifth in the next four years as major Labor reforms worth billions…

Rachel Browne
Herald Sun
Wednesday 29th May, 2013

The national disability insurance scheme DisabilityCare Australia is at risk of ”grinding to a halt” unless enough workers can be trained to provide care by the time the program is…