Victoria’s ombudsman has launched a major inquiry into the bungling of sex abuse allegations involving Yooralla amid new allegations the disability services provider may have also engaged in financial misconduct.
The new allegations are being separately probed by the Victorian government and Yooralla and involve claims that senior managers exaggerated the severity of their clients’ disabilities in order to extract more taxpayer funding.
The allegations relate to a Yooralla employment provider for disabled clients in northern Victoria and a 2012 decision to review the disability ratings for about 30 people that attended it.
The latest allegations and the probe by Ombudsman Deborah Glass come after revelations last month by Fairfax Media and the ABC Four Corners program into the serious mishandling of several rape and sexual assault cases at Yooralla.
Ms Glass said on Monday she would investigate Yooralla along with respite, day care and residential services run by other disability service providers.
“Concerns in the sector and recent revelations in the media have prompted me to look closely at current practice to identify deficiencies in reporting and investigation,” Ms Glass said.
“Abuse of people with a disability is unconscionable. Something is wrong with our systems, and we need to understand what is broken and what can be done to fix it.”
The inquiry is likely to closely scrutinise the handling of abuse allegations by Yooralla’s management and board, including former chief executive Sanjib Roy.
Mr Roy resigned last month after Fairfax Media and Four Corners sent him a list of questions about how Yooralla’s mishandling of sexual assault allegations enabled further offending to occur.
The inquiry may also raise serious questions for the head of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme, Bruce Bonyhady, who previously chaired Yooralla for almost a decade and under whose watch several of the bungled cases occurred.
“It is particularly important as Victoria begins to roll out the National Disability Insurance Scheme that we have robust reporting and escalation processes in place, and that any gaps in oversight have been identified and addressed,” Ms Glass said.
The abuse revelations have already prompted the Andrews government to commit to a major parliamentary inquiry into abuse in the disability sector and led to calls for a national probe.
Ms Glass said her inquiry would examine concerns around the handling of serious abuse allegations, including a “lack of awareness and co‑ordination, poor investigation and poor communication with clients and families” .
Ms Glass will also examine if the Department of Human Services and the Disability Services Commissioner Laurie Harkin – who hasn’t run a single investigation since 2010 – have failed to adequately oversee the sector.
It is unclear whether the ombudsman will probe allegations of financial impropriety involving some Yooralla services, including claims a day care centre in Drouin charged the government for non-existent disabled clients.
Fairfax Media can reveal that a former staff member from a Yooralla facility in Seymour in Northern Victoria has claimed senior managers ordered staff to assess workers as more disabled than they actually were in order to capture more federal funding.
The former employee, who has asked not to be identified, has told Fairfax Media that in one case, a worker who was mildly disabled and was licensed to drive a car was assessed as having a major disability.
The former staff member has also alleged he was instructed to “cut and paste” details from the files of severely disabled clients to those of the less disabled.
The changed details were then allegedly submitted to the federal government as part of an application for extra funding.
The former employee said the change in disability ratings resulted in the Seymour facility getting an extra $130,000 in federal funds.
However, the former employee said most of this was transferred to Yooralla’s Melbourne head office, which issued the Seymour facility with extra administrative charges of more than $120,000.
The Commonwealth’s Department of Social Services confirmed the Seymour facility did change the disability ratings for several clients in 2012 but a later audit found no issues of concern.
But Victoria’s Department of Human Services told Fairfax Media it would review the Seymour allegations as part of its own wide-ranging inquiry into Yooralla’s provision of disability services.
A Yooralla spokeswoman also said it was “currently reviewing the allegations and will ensure the matter is thoroughly investigated”.