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Department of Social Services
Friday 5th July, 2024

As part of a video series with Elly Desmarchelier Minister Bill Shorten answers some of the #disability community’s questions about housing and living. He acknowledges while there have been pockets…

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Tuesday 18th June, 2024

The Disability and Social Services Regulation Amendment Act 2023 (the Amendment Act) makes changes to the Disability Act 2006, Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Residential Tenancies Act) and other Acts to…

Disability Support Guide
Friday 10th May, 2024

Over 75 percent of the 4.4 million Australians with disability reported that a physical disorder was causing them the most problems, as per the latest available data from the Australian…

ABC News
Saturday 27th April, 2024

As Australian governments urgently build new homes to deal with the national housing shortage, there are concerns many of those new builds won’t meet the needs of our ageing population.

Victorian Government
Thursday 14th March, 2024

Homes Victoria has created the ‘Considerations for use of Supported Residential Services’ (SRS) guidance document, which can be used by services that interact with SRS to better consider when, and…

Tuesday 27th February, 2024

The Home and Living Section of the Review is just eight pages long, has three major principal recommendations, and has 28 actions required of the federal government. These statistics could…

Office of Public Advocate
Wednesday 28th February, 2024

The distressing state of affairs for adults with disability and mental health issues in Victoria has been highlighted in the 2022-2023 Community Visitor Annual Report, presented in Parliament this month.

Summer Foundation
Monday 19th February, 2024

The Summer Foundation submission on the exposure draft of the Bill for the new Aged Care Act.

ABC News
Friday 9th February, 2024

After losing his sight at the age of six, Ben Gritt’s goal of owning his own home always felt out of reach. “Over the years I have thought about it,”…

People with Disability Australia
Wednesday 31st January, 2024

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides a critical way for people with disability to access housing and living supports. The NDIS Review Final Report has made two recommendations to…

Thursday 21st December, 2023
In this Advance Your Advocacy Practice panel session representatives from Victoria Legal Aid and Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service provide information about protecting the rights of tenants in disability accommodation
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Friday 8th December, 2023

Consumer Affairs Victoria are warning about unqualified or unscrupulous operators doing dodgy home modifications. Their checklist helps people manage a building project worth $10K