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Harry Frost
ABC News
Wednesday 27th September, 2023

From his Canberra Raiders bedspread to his own basketball awards, Ehren Keys’s home is a shrine to sport. Decorating his unit however he sees fit is just one of the…

ABC News
Monday 25th September, 2023

Nurse Linda Karafili remembers getting the call from her client. He was “absolutely desperate”. The man, who had a history of severe mental health issues, had been coerced to move…

Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Housing Hub
Thursday 31st August, 2023

The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) is an independent, non-profit organisation that works with people and communities who are facing disadvantage. Part of PIAC’s role is challenging decision-makers in order…

The Hon Bill Shorten MP
Wednesday 23rd August, 2023

Opening of the Carpentaria Disability SDA property The Hon Bill Shorten MP Transcripts BILL SHORTEN, MINISTER FOR THE NDIS AND GIVERNMENT SERVICE: Good morning. It’s great to be here with Senator…

Tuesday 15th August, 2023
The plan would allow disabled people to build a share of equity in the properties they live in, and governments are being urged to match contributions.
NDIA in partnership with Scope
Monday 17th July, 2023
This home and living capacity building report is part of working to develop a new approach to home and living.  The research explores supports NDIS participants use to build their
Callum Marshall, Mikaela Ortolan, and Sandra Moon
Thursday 6th July, 2023
Kris was one of 19 residents living at Cobram residential disability facility Merriwa Grove in northern Victoria when it was announced in early June that it would close because it was no longer viable.
Translational Health Research Institute
Disability Royal Commission
Monday 22nd May, 2023
The report finds that there is a critical need for improved visibility of people with disability within the criminal justice system and for greater transparency of outcomes in relation to
The Hon Bill Shorten MP
Media release
Friday 19th May, 2023
Approximately 1,600 NDIS participants are amongst 4,000 people living in 115 SRS’ across Victoria. The interim report to be released today - which was triggered by whistle-blowers and commissioned
Evan Young and Nas Campanella
Friday 19th May, 2023
People with high-value National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plans are being "kidnapped" and having their funding drained by providers that are supposed to help them live better lives, a bombshell report
Di Winkler
The Conversation
Sunday 15th May, 2022

Just over three years ago, then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the federal government would finally solve the issue of young people with disability having to live in nursing homes. The…

Mirage News
Tuesday 9th May, 2023

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the Treasurer’s assurance that ‘the NDIS is here to stay’ in his budget speech. However, tonight’s budget has more to do on housing and…