Emergency Management

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Helen Dickinson, Sophie Yates
Children and Young People with Disability Australia
Friday 29th May, 2020
The main message of this report is that urgent action is needed to attend to the many inequities that people with disability and their families and carers face on a
People with Disability Australia
Friday 5th June, 2020
Australians with disability represent some of the most excluded of all Australians in relation to the impacts of coronavirus. At the same time, many people with disability are particularly at
Carolyn Webb
The Age
Wednesday 27th May, 2020
Mary Sayers, CYDA's chief executive, said that ‘‘all responses to a crisis such as COVID-19 must be designed to avoid creating further educational and social disconnection and inequality’’.
Diane Brown
Research and Policy Centre, Brotherhood of St Lawrence
Monday 25th May, 2020
This research provides insight into the impacts of COVID-19 on people with disability and offers some directions for recovery post-COVID The COVID-19 pandemic poses immediate risks for people with disability
Christen Hill
Griffith News
Monday 25th May, 2020
Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM says healthcare rationing disproportionately affects people with disabilities but the disparity is often quietly swept under the rug.
Andrew Pulrang
Saturday 16th May, 2020
We are all struggling right now with how to assess risks, both for ourselves individually and for society as a whole. The stakes are extremely high. But one of the
Christiane Barro
The New Daily
Tuesday 12th May, 2020
Disability pensioners are turning to lawyers to fight for access to the JobSeeker payment, as recipients reveal they have had to skip meals and even stop taking medication during the
Ricky Buchanan
Every Australian Counts
Wednesday 6th May, 2020
Someone in my home got the dreaded phone call last week – he’d been exposed to COVID-19 and needed to self-isolate. And to my extreme shock, all our contingency plans
UN News
Wednesday 6th May, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is intensifying inequalities experienced by the world’s one billion people with disabilities, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in launching a report issued on Wednesday that calls for
United Nations
Guidance Note
While the COVID-19 pandemic threatens all members of society, persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted due to attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers that are reproduced in the COVID-19 response. This guidance
Luke Michael
Pro Bono News
Tuesday 5th May, 2020
Researchers at UNSW Sydney spoke to 2,341 disability workers about their experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak, and found that many felt anxious and unsafe while working.
Nancy Doyle
Wednesday 29th April, 2020
This led me to thinking about how the current environment is leading to disability accommodations becoming widely available, not because of some ethical awakening or increased empathy but because now