Policy reform

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Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Commonwealth of Australia
Tuesday 1st December, 2020
For years, participants, advocacy groups and the sector have been calling for reform in the planning arena. This inquiry, including the committee's interim report tabled in December 2019, and the
Fran Kelly
RN Breakfast
Tuesday 1st December, 2020
The Disability Royal Commission's issued a scathing report into how government agencies failed disabled Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings point to failures by government officials to consult with
Disability Royal Commission
Monday 30th November, 2020
It was a “serious failure” that no Australian Government agency with responsibility for disability policy, including the Department of Health, made “any significant effort” to consult with people with disability
Every Australian Counts
Wednesday 18th November, 2020
e NDIS Quarterly Reports have always had lots of interesting data on how the scheme is tracking. They allow people with disability, their families, organisations, even governments (shock horror) to
Sara Gingold
Disability Service Consulting (DSC)
Monday 16th November, 2020
Have you ever suspected that the NDIA has a secret list of supports they consider ‘controversial’ or simply ‘no-go’ zones? Well, it turns out that up until the middle of
Every Australian Counts
Tuesday 10th November, 2020
There were four hours of testimony from the NDIA, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and the Department of Social Services yesterday at Budget Estimates. The hot seat of scrutiny
Sara Gingold
Disability Service Consulting (DSC)
Tuesday 27th October, 2020
Few people would disagree with the NDIA’s argument that there are serious structural issues in the Scheme. But are Independent Assessments a solution fit for purpose? Or will they just
SBS News
Saturday 24th October, 2020
The Australian Association of Psychologists says the “simplistic” independent assessment process will create greater disadvantage for Australians living with disability.
Di Winkler
Pro Bono News
Wednesday 21st October, 2020
Young people often end up in aged care because they fall through the gap between hospitals and the disability service system. The two systems operate on completely different time frames.
Tom Stayner
SBS News
Tuesday 6th October, 2020
Tuesday’s federal budget will see $10 million in funding set aside to transition younger people living in aged care to age-appropriate accommodation.
Luke Henriques-Gomes
The Guardian
Thursday 1st October, 2020
People without a specific severe impairment who want to access disability payment are being forced to first do 1.5 years of job search
Rosemary Kayess and Therese Sands
University of NSW Social Policy Research Centre
Friday 18th September, 2020
This report was commissioned by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. It investigates the early rights movement of people with disability, which “exposed the