Could AI help make the law more accessible for disabled people?

We all enjoy legal rights, including the right to live free from discrimination. But how easy is it to use the law to uphold those rights?  Could ‘chatbots’, a form of artificial intelligence technology, help make the legal system more accessible for people living with disabilities?


  • Bodhi Boele, 15-year-old living with a disability
  • Heike Fabig, CEO, Tech4Justice Lab, and Bodhi Boele’s mother
  • Dr Daniel Ghezelbash, Director, Macquarie University Social Justice Clinic, and co-founder, Tech4Justice Lab
  • Simon Darcy, Professor of Management, University of Technology Sydney, and a wheelchair user
  • Vasili Maroulis, Managing Principal Solicitor, Marrickville Legal Centre
  • Kelsey Mortimer, nursing student, user of the Marrickville Legal Centre’s NALA ‘chatbot’
  • For more information about the Tech4Justice ‘chatbot’ trials, and applications to participate in testing, contact Heike Fabig on [email protected]
The Law Report
Wednesday 1st December, 2021

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